Friday, April 26, 2013

How to install IRC Defender

IRC Defender is a piece of IRC software (a bot) that is used to help ban proxies and keep your server secure. When a user connects via a proxy they are scanned by defender and a ban is placed on them if they are found to be using a proxy. Defender is one of the easiest IRC programs to install and set up. To install IRC Defender follow these steps:
  • Log into your server using SSH
  • wget –no-check-certificate
  • tar xvjf defender-1.5.1.tar.bz2
1) Firstly log into your server using WinSCP.
2) Enter your folder called Defender by double clicking on it.
3) You are presented with a list of files and folders, look for a file called defender.conf.example and rename it to defender.conf .
4) Open it and begin editting as necessary following the instructions throughout the config.
5) Save and close it.
During the editing of the defender.conf you will have had to set up a link block, you’ll need to add a link block to the unrealircd.conf and a U:Line. To do this you’ll need to do the following:
1) Open unrealircd.conf .
2) Scroll down to the section in the configuration where link blocks are added and create a link block for defender.
link              IRC.Zemra.Org
username *;
bind-ip *;
port 3366;
hub             *;
password-connect “IRCD”;
password-receive “IRCD”;
class           servers;
options {
3) In unrealircd.conf you also need to create a listen block. If you scroll to the section in your unrealircd.conf with a list of listen blocks already there copy and paste one directly underneath the list and change the port to 7000 so it is listening on that port for defender to connect.
Example: Listen
4) Last bit you need to add to the unrealircd.conf is the U:Line, scroll to the section of the unrealircd.conf where your U:Lines are and add a U:Line for the defender server. Here’s an example:
ulines {;
5) Save and close the unrealircd.conf.
6) On your server type /rehash .
Now you need to run defender.
1) Log into your server using SSH and type:.
  • cd defender
  • perl

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