How to Install eMech - EnergyMech
- wget
- tar -zxvf emech-2.9.4.tar.gz
- cd emech-2.9.4
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- cp sample.conf mech.set
- configure your mech.set file
- ./mech
tar -zxvf emech-3.0.3.tar.gz
rm -rf emech-3.0.3.tar.gz
cd emech-3.0.3
make clean install
cp sample.conf mech.conf
configure your mech.conf file
edit checkmech line cd /home/user/emech*/
tar -zxvf emech-2.8.5-freebsd-static.tar.gz
rm -rf emech-2.8.5-freebsd-static.tar.gz
cd emech-2.8.5-freebsd-static
enter handle (Nickname first than HOST/IP)
comment this line on checkmech file: # echo "You havent edited checkmech yet!!"
change this line cd /home/user/mechfolder
create mech.set file
add your mech users
./mech (if you add more than one energymech you should now run ./genuser *mechfile)
run ./mech
# Sample EnergyMech configuration file
# v2.8.2 - HitMan
# Note - Lines starting with '#' are comments and ignored by the bot.
##### Linking #####
# EnergyMechs can link(-help LINK) to one another to perform such features
# as DCC PartyLine, Remote Command Execution (-help CMD), and Ops/Protection
# (Add linked bots to eachother at level 200). This section is optional,
# bots running in the same config file are automaticly linked.
# Entity Name: In order to link to other bots, your bot must
# have a unique entity name. -CHANGE THIS-
ENTITY mechbot
# Link Password: A password for linking. -CHANGE THIS-
LINKPASS linkpassword
# Link Port: A port the bot will listen on for linking, telnet,
# and pipeuser(
# This has to be above 1024, and some firewalls, noteably
# IP Masquerade/NAT may block this.
# An example link configuration, here you have an ENTITY called ``hismech''
# and its LINKPASS is ``a1b2c3''. It is running on ``'' and
# it's LINKPORT is 49152.
LINK hismech linkpassword 6667
# Another example, the entity ``hermech'' is not listening on any port
# (missing or non-working LINKPORT in config), so it does not matter
# what host it is on as well, thus "0 0" at the end(-help LINK).
LINK hermech linkpassword 6667
# Automatic Linking: Uncomment this to enable auto-linking. This will
# cause the mech to try and link to all bots in it's
# list, until all are present.
##### Server List ####
# Some undernet servers to connect to... You can use server names is you wish,
# but putting the IP's here instead of host names speeds up connects (alot).
# Servers are global, all mechs in the same process uses the same server list.
SERVER 6667 #
##### Bot 1 Configuration #####
# In EnergyMech, you can have multiple bots on IRC from the same config
# file/process. Traditionaly, the spawn command was used, however, that
# command has been removed in 2.8.2 and above due to abuse. You can still
# specify more than one bot in the config file as shown.
# Nick for the bot.
NICK Gonxhe
# The file we use to store the userlist. Note you will have to generate
# this with a command such as ./genuser emech.users
USERFILE emech.users
# All commands begin with this character.
# Register on IRC with this username (emech@xxxxxxxx). Note that if your
# machine is running identd, it will always be your username.
LOGIN emech
# Display this in the "Real Name" field
IRCNAME Vizitor nga Chat.KnaQu.Org
# User modes for the bot
MODES +i-ws
# If you want to run the bot on a virtual host, uncomment
# the below line and set it.
# If you compiled with SEEN support and decide not to use it, uncomment this.
# Channel-Independant toggles and sets. See the -REPORT command for a full
# listing.
HASONOTICE # Yes for Undernet.
TOG CC 1 # We want the bot to require command character
TOG CLOAK 1 # Ignore CTCP's from non-users? Yes.
TOG SPY 1 # Tell who is executing what in the partyline.
SET OPMODES 6 # How many modes in a line? 6 on undernet...
SET BANMODES 6 # How many bans in a line? 6 on undernet...
SET CTIMEOUT 90 # Server connection timeout
SET CDELAY 30 # Delay between connection attempts
# Basic channel setup. You can have as many of these as your server
# supports. See the -REPORT command for a listing.
CHANNEL #emech # Channel name
TOG PUB 1 # Allow public(in-channel) commands? Yes.
TOG MASS 1 # Do mass-mode/kick/ban checks...
TOG SHIT 1 # Activate the shitlist for this channel
TOG PROT 1 # Activate protection of users
TOG ENFM 0 # Dont enforce channel modes.
SET MDL 7 # How many -o before killing the guy?
SET MKL 7 # How many kicks?
SET MBL 7 # And how many Bans?
SET MPL 1 # What to do with massmoders?
# 0 = nothing,
# 1 = kick the bastard,
# 2 = kickban 'em,
# 3 = kickban & shitlist them.
##### END BOT 1 #####
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